04 Mar 2022

Q : How were these pilots picked?
Solo F-16 Demonstration Flight pilots were chosen by the Air Force Command among all the willing F-16 pilots through an evaluation of many criteria such as their experience, total flight hours, performance in their flight carriers, etc.

Q : Will this aircraft be able to be used in operation missions?
Besides the demonstration periods, that aircraft will be used in training and operation missions in 132nd Squadron Command to which it belongs.

Q : Did the transformation of an F-16 into a demonstration aircraft affect its operational capabilities?
No modifications have been made on the F-16 aircraft except its color; and its operational capability is not reduced at all. The smoke emission apparatus at the end of the wings are placed only for demonstrations.

Q : What is the highest “g” force exposed?
During the demonstration flights, high “g” powers between the positive “9” and negative “3” which are the physical limits are exposed.

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